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Shannon's Devon Sawa Page

Full Name: Devon Edward Sawa
Birthday: September 7th, 1978
Sign: Virgo
Birthplace: A suburb of Vancouver, British Columbia Canada, called Burnaby.
Current Residence: Los Angeles, where he shares an apartment with Stuart Stone (his co-star in The Boys Club), and Eric Rush.
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Blue
Family: His parents are Ed and Joyce Sawa. He has a brother, Brandon, and sister Stephanie.
Pets: A dog called Lucas, two gerbils named Coke and Pepsi and a parakeet named Sarah.
Height: 5'10"

Food: Pizza & anything from Taco Bell
Actor: Woody Harrelson, Al Pacino, Robert DeNiro, and Harvey Keitel
Actress: Alicia Silverstone and Demi Moore
T.V Show: Married...With Children
Movie: Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs & Star Wars
Color: Blue
Writer: Quentin Tarantino
Interests--Soccer, Baseball, Skiing, Boogie Boarding, Horseback Riding and Cinematography
Music: Rap & Techno

Devon Sawa Personal Quote:
"Live long, play hard... oh wait thats Nike"


This page was made on October 13/97 and was last up-dated on July 12/2001

This page is copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Shannon's Place